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With the approval by the Regional Executive on 21 March 2023, two new Masterplan for territories of high strategic and territorial importance in the region: the Agro Nocerino-Sarnese and the Ufita Valley.

The first Masterplan, Agro Nocerino-Sarnese, It concerns an important area of the Province of Salerno and involves the 13 municipalities of STS C5 of the Regional Territorial Plan (Regional Law No 13/2008): Angri, Castel San Giorgio, Corbara, Nocera Inferiore, Nocera Superiore, Pagani, Roccapiemonte, San Marzano sul Sarno, San Valentino Torio, Sant’Egidio Monte Albino, Sarno, Scafati, Siano.

The second Masterplan concerns the territory of the Ufita Valley, where the important infrastructure work of the new Naples-Bari HS/AC railway line is being carried out, with the creation of the new Hirpinia station in the Municipality of Ariano Irpino. The municipalities concerned are those belonging to the Association of Municipalities Valle Ufita, Calore, Miscano and Cervaro: Ariano Irpino, Bonito, Carife, Casalbore, Castel Baronia, Flumeri, Fontanarosa, Frigento, Gesualdo, Greci, Grottaminarda, Luogosano, Melito Irpino, Mirabella Eclano, Montaguto, Montecalvo Irpino, Paternopoli, San Nicola Baronia, San Sossio Baronia, Sant’Angelo all’Esca, Savignano Irpino, Scampitella, Sturno, Taurasi, Trevico, Vallesaccarda, Villanova del Battista, Zungoli.

With these Masterplans, the positive experiences underway on the three Masterplans of the Campania coast line are confirmed and the new 2021/2027 fund season begins, following the forecasts contained in the document Towards a Territorial Agenda of the Campania Region approved by Regional Executive Decision No 196 of 28 April 2022, which provides the reference framework for territorial strategies for the integrated and coordinated use of European, national and regional funds in the 2021/2027 programming period.