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First meeting with the representatives of what will be the economic and social partnership of the territory falling under the Integrated Enhancement Programme – Masterplan Litorale Cilento Sud. The table that will be formed by 28 FebruaryExpiry date of the public call – it is called upon to identify the problems to be solved and the potential to be exploited by suggesting integrated measures on mobility, accessibility, protection of the territory, agriculture, attractiveness and tourist accommodation. The results of the work of the Partnership will then be brought to the attention of the entity that will win the strategic design tender.

In addition to the mayor of Pollica, they took part in the meeting. Stefano Pisani, Bruno Cesario (disambiguation) President of the Economic and Social Partnership of the Campania Region, Bruno Disciple, Regional Councillor for Urban Planning, Campania Region and Sergio Negro (disambiguation), Managing Authority PR Campania FESR 2021-2027, numerous representatives of local authorities, trade associations, third sector, environmentalists, industry, Province of Salerno and Parco del Cilento.

The PIV Masterplan Litorale Cilento Sud will be supported by the Campania Region as part of the European Cohesion Policy and concerns the municipalities of Ascea, Camerota, Casal Velino, Centola, Ispani, Montecorice, Pisciotta, Pollica, San Giovanni a Piro, San Mauro Cilento, Santa Marina, Sapri and Vibonati, to which are added others, of the internal areas, which live in osmosis with those at the centre of the PIV and which are included in a buffer area that will benefit from some connection interventions in order to achieve a homogeneous development of the entire area.

From the comparison it emerged the will to put in system the energies of Public Subjects (Institutions; Research, study and training facilities; Instrumental entities); Social partners (Trade union and business representatives; Professional Orders; Associations of categories); Associations representing the interests and needs of local communities (environmental, cultural, social, professional, sports, recreational) in order to define concrete proposals to be made available to designers.

The study at the base of the Masterplan will be of great help to speed up the work of those who will make the final design. The ideas that will come from the territory are valuable, only that every reasoning must then have a point of arrival to become a useful tool to carry out projects that want to benefit from European resources. The guidelines of the Masterplan are in line with those set by the European Union for 2021-2027 expenditure (Environment and Energy in the first place) but we must pay attention to the times, avoid overlaps and promote complementarity. 

A first meeting that gives meaning to the concertation activity and to the acts carried out so far. There are two requirements for the success of the operation. On the one hand, the need to overcome the logic of micro-intervention for the use of a small community and therefore the compilation of a mere list of works, on the other hand, the ability to propose a series of necessary and achievable interventions, compatible with a vision of development at the service of the entire territory.