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The REGIONAL GROWTH FUND CAMPANIA (FRC) is a financial instrument composed of a non-repayable contribution and a subsidized loan aimed at supporting investments for the realization of corporate strengthening and restructuring investments and productive, organizational and energy efficiency innovation, dictated by the post-COVID paradigms.

The resources made available by the Campania Region amounted to EUR 196.5 million from ROP Campania ERDF funds.

The Facility is targeted at the following beneficiaries:

  • Small and micro-enterprises, which are established and registered in the Register of Companies of the Chamber of Commerce, Industry, Crafts and Agriculture, competent for the territory for at least 12 months prior to the date of publication of this Notice on the BURC
  • Freelancers They are treated in the same way as SMEs for the purposes of access to the facilities provided for in the programming of the Structural Funds 2014 – 2020, who have held a VAT number for at least 12 months prior to the date of publication of this Notice on the BURC.

Three types of interventions are eligible to be carried out on the territory of the Campania Region and relating to:

  • Digitalization and Industry 4.0, tangible and intangible investments to support the processes of reorganization and restructuring of production for the transition 4.0;
  • Social and environmental safety and sustainability, investments aimed at increasing the company’s environmental and social performance by ensuring the health and safety of operators;
  • New organizational models, investments aimed at the reorganisation of business processes through the introduction of new management solutions, plants and equipment aimed at increasing productivity and economic performance.

Eligible expenditure shall relate to: Plant and machinery, Plant engineering, Real services, Achievement of certifications, software, systems, platforms, applications and computer programs, administrative costs, costs for feasibility studies, charges for the issuance of technical-accounting certificates and guarantees to cover the repayment of the loan.

The benefits are granted, as a de minimis, to cover the 100% the programme of eligible expenditure and broken down as follows:

  • 50% eligible expenditure, as a non-repayable contribution;
  • 50% eligible expenditure, as interest-free financing.

Funding shall be subject to the following conditions:

  • Total duration: 6 years
  • Reimbursement: 60 months with quarterly instalments deferred at constant capital shares (Italian depreciation), plus 12 months of deferral starting from the date of payment of the advance.
  • Interest rate: 0%.
  • Personal and/or actual guarantees provided by the parties and in the manner provided for in the Notice.

The expenditure programme must be between a minimum amount of €30,000 and a maximum amount of 150,000 euros.

How and when to apply

To access the facilities, applicants must submit a specific Application for Facilitation, exclusively electronically only through a digital identity (SPID or CNS), in the name of the applicant, under penalty of exclusion, through the platform at the link:
The application can be submitted from 12 noon on 10 February 2022 until 12 noon on 14 March 2022.
From 20 January 2022, the forms for the submission of applications for facilitation will be made available on the websites of the Campania Region and Campania Development.