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The visit of the students of Vitruvius of Castellammare di Stabia

Eight students of the ‘Vitruvio’ Institute of Castellammare di Stabia were awarded by the Campania Region, with a trip to Brussels to discover theEuropean Union, for having carried out the best civic monitoring of cohesion policies as part of the innovative educational path of “A School of OpenCohesion’, which takes place in Campania in partnership with the project ‘Tell Europeof ROP Campania ERDF.  

The team of Vitruvius analyzed and recounted the financing of the municipal separate collection plan of Castellammare di Stabia It ranks first in the regional ranking. For this reason, the students were rewarded by the Campania Region with the trip that took place during the European Week of Regions and Cities, the largest Brussels-based event dedicated to cohesion policy.

The team at work during the monitoring process

Lucia Di Palma, Giovanni Donnarumma, Diana Lambertini, Francesca Malafronte, Giovanna Malafronte, Valeria Saturnino, Alfonso Scarfato, Raffaella Verdoliva (these are the names of the students), accompanied by Professors Mauro Di Serio, Tiziana D’Aniello and Adriana Taranto, had the opportunity to experience the capital of Belgium for two days, discovering the main European institutions.

Together with the representatives of the Unit for the Implementation of the Communication Strategy of the ROP Campania ERDF 2014-2020, the Vitruvio Group visited the Hemicycle of the European Parliament, the House of European History, deepening the functioning of the parliamentary institution and the origin of the Union. During the trip, the children were also able to admire the size of the Atomium and the works exhibited in the Royal Museums of Fine Arts in Belgium.

Tell Europe’ is a communication project of the Campania Region, partner of ‘A Scuola di OpenCoesione’, created to promote among students the principles of active and conscious citizenship.

Tell Europesupports the Campanian teams involved in the civic monitoring process promoted by the Department for Cohesion Policies.

In the 2021/2022 school year, 213 teams took part in research activities on European and national public funding.  Of these 49 were bells. Until 24 October it is still possible to participate in the 2022/2023 edition of ASOC by participating in the Call from the Ministry of Education.