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Green light for investments of more than 5 billion euros. With the decision of the European Commission of 26 October 2022, the Regional Programme of Campania of the European Regional Development Fund for the period 2021-2027 was approved. The PR Campania FESR 21/27 (here the full documentHere is the summary for the citizen), with one envelope of € 5.534.632.274, allows the Campania Region to put in place a massive public investment programme divided into five ‘priority challenges’ to make Campania: more competitive, greener, more connected, more inclusive e closer to citizens.

Defined in close coherence with the framework of the main European strategies, which identify the ecological and digital transition as the two pillars on which to base the economic and social development of the territories, strengthening cohesion, the Programme will promote actions capable of strengthening the regional socio-economic system by making it more resilient, accompanying it in the digital and green transition process and contributing to reducing economic, social, gender, generational and territorial inequalities.

The implementation of the programme's challenges will coincide with the structure of as many axes of priorities for action, which in turn will be organised into specific objectives.

PRIORITY AXIS 21-27Allocation*
Axis 1 – Research, Innovation, Digitalisation and Competitiveness1.154.566.377 €
Axis 2 – Energy, Environment and Sustainability2.267.723.587 €
Axis 2a – Sustainable Urban Mobility441.879.777 €
Axis 3 – Mobility infrastructure408.450.000 €
Axis 4 – Development, Inclusion and Skills489.500.404 €
Axis 5 – Territorial Development Strategies578.800.000 €
TA Axis – Technical Assistance193.712.129 €
TOTAL5.534.632.274 €
*European Union co-financing rate of 70%