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Innovation, creativity and opportunities for young people have been at the core, at the heart of Giffoni Film Festival, a meeting on the development of emerging content and technologies in the entertainment sector.

A day promoted by theEuropean Digital Innovation Hub Heritage Smart Lab (EDIH-HSL), in cooperation with Giffoni Innovation Hub, on the subject of Content revolution saw the participation, among others, of the Councillor for Research, Innovation and Startup of the Campania Region Valeria Fascione (disambiguation). The Councillor referred to the investments made by the Campania Region, through European resources, to set up a innovative and creative ecosystem, of which Giffoni is a part, and promote the development of innovative technological and entrepreneurial solutions.

TheEDIH-Heritage Smart Lab represents the only fully verticalised hub in Italy on the digital transition in the cultural heritage and cultural and creative industries sector.

The accelerator for the digital transition He also has one spoke in Campania that sees involved SPICES, Society for Innovation, Cooperation and Internationalisation, MediTech, Mediterranean Competence Centre 4 Innovation which, together with the PRIDE – Polo Regionale per l’Innovazione Digitale Evoluta (Regional Hub for Evolved Digital Innovation), which will give life to the Italian Innovation Factory a stone's throw from the technological pole of the Frederick II.

As part of the Digital Europe Programme 2021-2027, the European Commission, together with the EU Member States, has set up a network of European Digital Innovation Hubs (EDIH). EDIHs act as a catalyst for the dissemination and adoption of advanced digital technologies – in particular Artificial Intelligence, Big Data, Cybersecurity, Internet of Things, X-Reality, Blockchain, Digital Twin – with the aim of helping businesses and public administrations in digital transformation processes, making them more competitive.

And to promote further opportunities offered by the EU through the programme Creative Europe It supports the cultural and creative sectors for the period 2021-2027. The Programme has a total budget of €2.4 billion for the seven-year period and includes measures to support the audiovisual industry (sub-programme MEDIA), the other creative and cultural sectors (sub-programme CULTURE) and the section CROSS-SECTORAL It addresses the common challenges and opportunities of the cultural and creative sectors, including the audiovisual sector.

The event, in addition to presenting the services offered by the EDIH-HSL, to SMEs, start-ups and operators in the sector, saw the presentation – a Demo Day – some of the solutions developed by companies that have grown up in the EDIH ecosystem, including: Gav Project, the Digital wool mill e 2WATCH.