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The Councillor for Security, Legality and Immigration of the Campania Region, Mario Morcone, met the giffoners in the Impact category. In an interview that lasted about an hour, Councillor Morcone discussed various topics with young people, from 18 to 30 years old, from defending people’s rights to differentiated autonomy. The meeting was also an opportunity to take stock of regional policies to support civil aggregations that use the assets confiscated from organised crime, creating new employment and new sociality in the places where the Camorra exercised its degrading power. To expand the reuse and enhancement of these assets, the resources of the European programming of the Campania Region of the 2021-2027 cycle will also be invested. But Morcone also wished to recall the Region’s commitment to promoting the inclusion of immigrants in the territories of Salerno and Caserta.