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The Campania Region has chosen the Masterplan as a planning and programming tool useful for the economic development of nodal areas of its territory, operating a first experiment on the Domitio-Flegreo Coast.

This is a diverse and complex area comprising 14 municipalities, four of which are in the province of Naples (Bacoli, Giugliano in Campania, Monte di Procida and Pozzuoli), and ten in the province of Caserta (Cancello and Arnone, Carinola, Castel Volturno, Cellole, Falciano del Massico, Francolise, Mondragone, Parete, Sessa Aurunca and Villa Literno); a total land area of approximately 741.47 sq km (5.42% of the regional territory) and a resident population of over 370 thousand inhabitants.

A reality with great landscape and environmental suggestions full of culture and archaeological evidence, but also crossed by serious problems of marginality and degradation.

The opportunity offered by Masterplan allows these areas to equip themselves with a tool capable of triggering territorial, environmental and landscape redevelopment processes, which produce significant economic and employment implications. The Campania Region is already investing significant Community resources in this area in measures aimed at environmental recovery and regeneration with the aim of fully bathing the coast.

The strategy for the implementation of the Masterplan It is defined through a process involving institutional and private stakeholders interested in investing in the euro area.

Masterplan Domitio-Flegreo – The final project

Find out more on the website of the Department of Government of the Territory