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The multifunctional Center for services to the family of the Belvedere district, in via Coppi, in Battipaglia, comes into operation.

Carried out as part of the interventions of the Integrated Program Sustainable City of Battipaglia, financed through the Urban Development Axis of the ROP Campania ERDF 2014-2020, The centre is a candidate to be a point of reference that accompanies citizens in their parenting path, supporting them in all phases of construction and management of the family unit.  It is an important part of the network of infrastructures and services aimed at social inclusion and cohesion and aims to become an excellence in the field of preventing and combating social hardship.

To inaugurate the multifunctional center the president of the Campania Region, Vincenzo De Luca, and the Mayor of Battipaglia Cecilia of France.

The building, developed on a single level for a covered area of approximately 975 square metres, houses various rooms intended for three main areas of activity: information, support for parenting skills, development of family and community resources. The centre's working group will be composed of qualified professionals, including: a management coordinator, professional educators, a social worker, a family mediator, social workers, a psychologist, an administrative and accounting manager and any professional figures as a volunteer.

The spaces have been created to meet the specific needs of users and consist of environments dedicated to reception and information and spaces reserved for interviews. In addition, there are areas equipped for training and parenting counselling activities, as well as outdoor spaces for children’s play activities. All environments are designed to ensure privacy and comfort for users, facilitating access to the Centre’s resources and specialised interventions.

Objectives and functions of the centre

Strengthen the parental network, supporting families in the care of relationships and ties that develop in the different phases of parental life, through targeted interventions carried out in collaboration with local consultants.

Support the individual development of children by providing them with the necessary tools to face moments of difficulty and promoting positive relational dynamics.

Promote the growth of the community through awareness-raising activities, participation and promotion of inclusive and multicultural social networks.