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The Regional Society for Health, SORESA, is among the organizations that have received the Digital Agenda Award established byDigital Innovation Observatory of the Polytechnic of Milan with the aim of identifying Public Administrations, SMEs and startups that have distinguished themselves for digitization projects in the public sector.

The award-winning project entitled ‘Application Framework for Territorial Social and Health Care on a Cloud Platform’ developed by Soresa with the support of PA Advice and KPMG allows the various entities that in the Campania Region provide social and health care services on the territory to transform their operational processes into an evolved digital logic: from access to healthcare facilities in the area to taking care of and identifying individual care and assistance, from the provision of social and health services provided by accredited public or private facilities to the sharing of data between the various bodies.

To receive the award the Director of Innovation and Digital Health of Soresa, Massimo Di Gennaro (disambiguation), which, at the microphones of theAnsa commented: "With this project, the current information fragmentations are overcome, ensuring both a strong integration with all the innovations already present in the Campania regional ecosystem and a considerable saving of time and resources, to the benefit of the citizen. The issues covered by the project for the digitalisation of territorial health are all of considerable relevance and impact, ranging from pathological addictions to residential and semi-residential care, complex rehabilitation and prosthetic care”.

The Regional Society for Health has been engaged for years in a process of digitalization of health services in the Campania Region.

With the publication of the portal Citizen's Health and the APP Campania in Health citizens can access digital health services, delivered through the Health Information System.