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The overall intervention strategy of the Masterplan of the Domitio-Flegreo Coast is outlined through three main points: redevelopment and enhancement of the ecological and landscape-environmental system, enhancement of the historical-cultural system, enhancement of sustainable mobility.

The planning of the Masterplan is innervated by 8 System Projects each accompanied by a particular analysis of the existing public projects and the programming of the different local authorities that manage this large territory: Garigliano River Corridor, Cellole-Sessa System, Massico-Savone System, Volturno River Corridor, Villa Literno-Porto Castel Volturno, Lake Patria-Parete System, Volturno-Licola Coast, Flegrea Peninsula.

From an analysis conducted through meetings with the municipal authorities involved, with other local authorities such as the Metropolitan City of Naples and the Southern Apennines Basin Authority, the Foce Volturno Regional Reserve Authority, Costa Licola, Lake Falciano), 83 public intervention proposals were selected, together with 14 other sustainable mobility proposals. Among these, 10 emblematic projects have been identified, capable of triggering a change in the conditions of the target area, classified according to three factors: interest in carrying out the intervention, consistency with the planning of the Masterplan and their feasibility. The projects are: Main cycle route Minturno – Pozzuoli stretch Mondragone – Licola, Walk along the ancient route of the Via Appia stretch Mondragone – Capua, Cycle route along the Savone river stretch Mondragone – Capua, Cycle route Lago Patria – Capua, Intermodal pole Villa Literno and cycle route via delle Dune, Lower Volturno river park and cycle route stretch Castel Volturno – Capua, Coastal park Foce del Volturno – Lake Patria and cycle route circumlacuale on Lake Patria, Parete and Giugliano agricultural park, Refunctionalisation of the IDAC Tower, Licola pier. The Campania Region collected 167 project proposals from private entities relating to the economic development of the Masterplan area, which were assessed on the basis of three criteria: Estimated value of the works, the possible need and percentage of public contributions for their realization and compatibility with the urban planning instruments in force, Qualitative analysis of the proposals submitted, for consistency with the strategies of the Masterplan, Compatibility check between the proposals and the environmental and landscape aspects.

The outcome of this assessment led to the identification of 57 projects for a total value of €415 million. The destinations of these proposed investments essentially concern the theme of tourist-beach hospitality, some interesting investment projects in the field of quality agriculture and some special projects (Autodromo a Cellole for Formula 2 car races – tourist investments in Castel Volturno on the port of Pinetamare and a residential and tertiary intervention at the service of a present health facility). A further analysis has revealed a subset of 21 priority projects that can already be implemented within the framework of the Masterplan, mainly concerning investment proposals for tourist accommodation facilities.