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With the approval of the Management and Control System and the related manuals (Implementation and First Level Controls), the complete toolkit for programming and implementing the PR Campania FESR 2021-2027 (Here the link to the Programme).

Management and Control System

The SI.GE.CO (Management and Control System) is the system of rules through which the effective implementation of interventions and sound financial management are ensured, in compliance with the applicable Community and national legislation.

The SI.GE.CO. of PR Campania FESR 21/27 has been approved with Executive Decree No 49 of 22 March 2024.

There are two annexes to SI.GE.CO.: The Implementation Manual and the Manual of Procedures for First Level Controls of PR Campania FESR 21/27.

Click here to consult the Management and Control System of the PR Campania FESR 2021-2027.

Implementation Manual

The purpose of the Implementation Manual is to define and describe uniform operational procedures to be shared with all those involved in the implementation for the effective and efficient implementation of the Programme. The document constitutes, therefore, the Guideline to which the various actors involved will have to comply. The procedures contained in the Manual are intended to be feasible in a context in which public action conforms to a series of principles of a transversal and general nature that characterise the work throughout the implementation phase of the measures to be carried out.
In particular, it seems useful to refer to the ‘results principle’ and the ‘trust principle’.

Click here to consult the Implementation Manual of PR Campania FESR 21/27 and its annexes, also in editable format.

Manual of procedures for first-level checks

The Managing Authority shall carry out management verifications to ensure that the co-financed products and services have been delivered, that the operation complies with the applicable law, the programme and the conditions for support of the operation. These management verifications are referred to as ‘level I checks’. The purpose of the Handbook is to provide guidelines to the parties responsible for carrying out the checks for which the MA is responsible under the 2021-2027 Campania ERDF Regional Programme. The Manual specifically explains the reference standards, the purpose of the checks, the main rules to be followed and the models of operational tools to be used for carrying out and formalising administrative and on-the-spot checks.

Click here to consult the Manual of Procedures for First Level Controls of PR Campania FESR 21/27 and its annexes, also in editable format.