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The digitalisation of health services, financed through the European Funds of the Campania Region – ICT axis and Digital Agenda – were at the centre of the annual event of the ROP Campania ERDF 2014-2020.

During a meeting held in the De Sanctis room of the Campania Region, introduced by the President of the Partnership, Bruno Cesario, Regional Councillors for Research, Innovation and Startups; Valeria Fascione (disambiguation), and computerisation of accounting and management processes in healthcare, Hector Five (disambiguation) contextualised the transition towards the digitalisation of services, as part of the Regional Executive Plan Zero bureaucracy for a Public Administration at the service of citizens, families and businesses.

A strategy that, in addition to the health one, is intervening on a series of sectors, Transport, Culture, Public Works and Health and that saw its first application during the first phase of the COVID-19 pandemic with the e-Covid SINFONIA app that allowed citizens from Campania, to be able to view all the results of Covid tests/vaccinations, downloaded by over three million citizens. From which an App dedicated to general practitioners was born.

The regional strategy is implemented by a dedicated Digital Growth and Transition Office, headed by Massimo Bisogno. A structure that has the task of increasing the efficiency of internal procedures and increasing the simplicity of use of the services made available. Digital services for health are fully included in the Plan of the Campania Region following the indications of the European Commission (Digital Compass 2030 ) which calls for the digitalisation of public services and businesses, citizens with adequate digital skills and highly qualified ICT professionals, as well as secure, efficient and sustainable digital infrastructures.

The President of the in-house company of the Campania Region, So.Re.Sa, Thomas Casillo (disambiguation), explained the project SYMPHONY (Sistema INFOrmativo saNità CampanIA) created and managed by the regional company So.Re.Sa as a technological advisor that since the first application of the system in the pandemic period has evolved by fielding a whole series of services conveyed in the App for mobile devices Campania in Health (available on Play and Apple store) and in the Web Portal Citizen's Health, which allow, inter alia, consultation of the personalised electronic health record; the use of the single regional CUP for the booking of specialist services and the payment of the ticket; the choice or change of primary care physician as well as the single Vaccines platform created to allow each citizen to be able to join the vaccination campaign, all health professionals to manage the schedule of vaccination centers and monitor real-time progress of accessions and vaccinations.

A success story presented to the representative of the Directorate-General for Regional Policy of the European Commission. Lucio Paderi, In calling for all the resources still available on digitalisation to be used also to build the appropriate infrastructure to host the amount of data needed to manage increasingly advanced services, he praised Campania’s Zero Bureaucracy strategy.

The services of SYMPHONY, in fact, will be implemented in the near future, with the extension of the single regional CUP to accredited private facilities, the publication of a platform dedicated to therapeutic plans and one dedicated to e-learning, as well as the publication of databases useful for screening, up to telemedicine.

But, in general, the whole health sector will be affected by innovative interventions. This is thanks to the resources made available by the Managing Authority of the ROP Campania ERDF 14-20. Sergio Negro (disambiguation) and the inclusion of Life Sciences among the priority development trajectories of the Smart Specialisation Strategy 2021-2027. Well-allocated resources, according to Antonio Postiglione, Director-General for Health Protection and Coordination of the Regional Health System, who recalled the effectiveness and efficiency of the investment expenditure for SINFONIA, which saves the entire system.