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Public notice approved for the acquisition of expressions of interest by municipalities interested in activating and/or upgrading the school bus service.

The measure is aimed at all small municipalities in Campania with a population of less than 15,000 inhabitants interested in activating or upgrading school bus services, which will be able to participate in individual or associated form.

Interested municipalities may submit their expression of interest to the Campania Regional Executive – Directorate-General for Social and Health Policies (50.05) – exclusively online on the website from 01/04/2024 until 30/04/2024, subject to the registration procedure on the website that will already be active from 1 March.

The resources allocated to this Notice amount to EUR 10 million from PR FESR 2021/2027, Specific Objective RSO3.2, Action 3.2.1 – ‘Increasing standards of environmental sustainability, passenger comfort and safety and enhancing the provision of extra-urban public transport’.

For further information, please refer to the following contacts: tel. 081.7963625 – e-mail