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On 1 March 2024, it entered into force on Regulation (EU) 2024/795 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 29 February 2024 establishing the Strategic Technologies for Europe Platform (Strategic Technologies for Europe Platform – STEP).

On Friday 28 June, at 3 p.m., the Managing Authority of the Campania ERDF Regional Executive met the Economic and Social Partnership in the Campania Region to explain the changes introduced by the Regulation and its implications for the Regional Programme.

Anyone interested in submitting a contribution on the subject can do so, in writing, by 4 July by sending a message to one of the following e-mail addresses:

STEP – The Platform for Strategic Technologies for Europe

The objective of STEP is to support the development and manufacturing of critical technologies relevant for the green and digital transitions. STEP will also support investments to strengthen industrial development and value chains, so as to reduce the Union’s strategic dependencies, strengthen the Union’s sovereignty and economic security, and address labour and skills shortages in those strategic sectors. This will improve the long-term competitiveness of the Union and strengthen its resilience.
Eleven Union programmes and funds are relevant to the implementation of the STEP: the Digital Europe Programme, the European Defence Fund, EU4Health, Horizon Europe, the Innovation Fund, InvestEU, the Recovery and Resilience Facility, as well as the Cohesion Fund, the European Regional Development Fund, the European Social Fund Plus (ESF+) and the Just Transition Fund.

STEP objectives
Article 2(1) of the STEP Regulation sets out the main STEP objectives:

support the development or manufacturing of critical technologies across the Union, or safeguard and strengthen their respective value chains;

addressing labour and skills shortages essential for all types of quality jobs in support of the first objective.

STEP Technology Sectors

Pursuant to Article 2(1)(a) of the STEP Regulation, the following sectors are considered to fall within the scope of the STEP:

  • the digital technologies, including those contributing to the targets and objectives of the Digital Decade Policy Programme 2030, multi-country projects, as defined in Article 2, point (2), of Decision (EU) 2022/2481, andinnovation of deep tech technologies;
  • the clean and resource-efficient technologies, including net-zero technologies as defined in the Net-Zero Industry Regulation;
  • the biotechnologies, including medicinal products included in the Union list of critical medicinal products8, and their components.

The condition for defining critical technologies set out in Article 2(2) of the STEP Regulation indicates criticality as a qualitative criterion, whereby the scope of the STEP Regulation is not fixed, but may evolve as a result of technological changes and/or geopolitical and international trade developments, so that future developments of the scope are not precluded.

For further information:

Regulation EU 2024/795

Guidance note on certain provisions of Regulation (EU) 2024/795 establishing the
Strategic Technologies for Europe Platform (STEP)

Strategic Technologies for Europe Platform