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The closure of the 2014-2020 Programme and the ongoing activities with the 2021-2027 Programme were the focus of two days of reinforced monitoring between the Campania Region (Managing Authority of the Campania ERDF PR), and the European Commission (Directorate-General for Regional and Urban Policy - DG REGIO).

The meetings analysed the positive prospects for financial closure of the 2014-2020 programming period, which is maximising the use of available resources and the launch of the new programming period.

The two-day event was also an opportunity to carry out inspections of the works in progress as part of the strategic programme for environmental redevelopment and combating the water risk of the Sarno river commissioned by the Campania Region and supported with EU resources.

The delegation, composed of the representative of the European Commission Directorate-General for Regional and Urban Policy - DG REGIO, Gianpiero Borzillo, by managers, officials and technical assistance from the Managing Authority of PR Campania FESR represented by Sergio Negro (disambiguation), by the Director-General of the Campania Region’s Office for Major Works, Fabrizio Manduca, by the President of the Ente Idrico Campano, Luca Mascolo, visited some of the ongoing construction sites in the river basin.

In the company of technicians of the company Gori, the delegation has seen the interventions in place in the city of Gragnano where they are eliminating discharges into the environment and completing the sewerage network. Also in the context of environmental remediation, a second stage involved the Angri wastewater treatment plant, in which activities are in place to enhance the capacity and quality of treatment. As regards the ongoing works for the restoration of the hydraulic functionality of the river and its tributaries, carried out by SMA Campania and the Consorzio di Bonifica Integrale Comprensorio Sarno, the inspections focused on the works that are being carried out on the main shaft of the river and on the Alveo Comune Nocerino.