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The Campania Region with thePublic notice for the registration of the Districts of Commerce in the Regional List aims at relaunching trade throughout the territory.

With the Districts of Commerce it will be possible to build common and synergistic strategies between companies, public institutions and social actors;

With the Districts of Commerce it will also be possible to regenerate the urban polarities, promote the resources of the territory, restore confidence and revive consumption.

I addressees of the notice Commercial Districts

The addressees of the notice are the Campania municipalities in single or aggregate form that intend to establish and promote the commercial districts.

The members are municipalities, trade and consumer associations, companies, entrepreneurs and other private individuals who professionally carry out one or more activities with the obligation to register in the register of companies at the Chambers of Commerce or in a special section of the register of companies at the Chambers of Commerce.

Type of Commercial Districts

There are two types of commercial districts that can be established.

Urban District of Commerce (DUC), consisting of a portion of the municipal territory or the entire municipal territory;

Diffuse District of Commerce (DDC), consisting of several municipalities or portions of them.

The demographic importance of the Commercial District must not be less than 15 thousand inhabitants.

Eligible interventions in Commercial Districts

Eligible interventions may concern urban design, urban regeneration and regeneration initiatives, revitalisation of the distribution network, corporate welfare initiatives, synergistic projects with sectors such as tourism, culture, art, etc.

 The intervention programs may be financed by special regional calls and by the co-financing of the territorially competent Chamber of Commerce, by public and private subjects who have promoted or adhered to the constitution of the District.

The minimum score for the recognition of a Commercial District

The inclusion in the regional list will be possible if the proposed District project will obtain at least 40/100.

For the recognition of the score, the municipalities must, with the other institutional and private actors present, plan the implementation of important territorial interventions.

How to submit an application for the establishment of a Commercial District

The question must be submitted, through the documentation attached to the public notice, by certified e-mail to the following address: 

Any requests for clarification may be sent to the attention of the Single Proceedings Manager to the following certified e-mail address:

Anonymous questions and answers (FAQs) and/or any further information on the procedure will be available on the portal.