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The programming of the European Funds for the period 2021-2027 represents a great opportunity for Campania.

The Region, which since 2016 has had a unitary programming body, has understood that without a vision capable of integrating all resources towards a common strategic objective, it risked only dispersing the resources, national and European, made available to the territory.

For this reason, the Campania Region has worked from 2016 to 2020 in trying to harmonize the spending of the various programs, towards a common growth goal.

But if in the 2014-2020 period the Unitary Programming Office had to try to harmonise programmes that had been conceived without a common vision, now, in 2020, on the eve of the new programming cycle (2021-2027), it has the opportunity to make available to the Regional Executive the know-how acquired over the years and reverse course. No longer trying to harmonise what had previously been agreed with Brussels through individual watertight programmes (ERDF, ESF, RDP, etc.), but overturning the paradigm by starting from a unified strategy, which recognises the common challenges and objectives to be pursued for the development of the entire region by consolidating the results achieved and mobilising all national and European resources towards achieving complex and lasting results.

For this reason, a Regional Strategy Paper was drawn up – approved by Regional Executive Decision No 489 of 12 November 2020 – which, in its drafting, followed a path aimed at strengthening the fundamental and strategic objectives of integration and complementarity between the funds, as well as ensuring full satisfaction of needs such as competitiveness, employment and sustainable development through synergistic, effective and efficient programming implementation processes, adapted to the new conditions of the labour market and the global competition system. 

The document identifies the need to make full use of the resources of the ordinary budget, cohesion policies, the recovery fund (RRF), React-EU and direct funds, in order to bridge the gap between the regions of the Mezzogiorno and the rest of the country, which is also accentuated by the negative and asymmetric impacts due to the COVID-19 epidemiological crisis.

The regional strategic guidance document has benefited from essential liaison work between the various components of the regional administration and with the stakeholders present at the Partnership Table. The result is a document with broad perspectives, which will be the basis for all future programming.

READ the Regional Document of Strategic Address (full version)

READ the Regional Document of Strategic Address (summary for the citizen)