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The digital transition of the Campania Region and the new digital health services were the main topics with which the Campania Region participated in the 2023 edition of the PA Forum. A special year in which the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (NRRP) lands in the territories, making even more important the linking role that the Regions must play to detect the needs, both internal and external, of local authorities (municipalities, local health authorities, schools) and provide adequate solutions.

On this topic, the Councillor for Research, Innovation and Startup Valeria Fascione (disambiguation) intervened, in the central arena of the PA Forum, in the context of a meeting during which the state of implementation of investments for the digitalisation of the local PA was taken stock. During the meeting, the Councillor focused on the ongoing actions, focusing on the project managed by the Campania Region (1.7.2 – NRRP), which provides for the activation of about 350 digital facilitation points in the territory, even in the most internal areas, to make it easier for ordinary citizens to access the services offered by the Public Administration and on the internal training activities of employees of the PA and regional in-house companies at the UNINA technological hub in San Giovanni (Academy of Assintel). Assessor Fascione also spoke of another strategic project involving the Campania Region (among the ten Italian NRRP champion users) and the European Space Agency in the construction of a new constellation of satellites capable of providing data that may have a multiplicity of uses.

Among the main results obtained, the assessor also mentioned those obtained in the field of digital health services from the use of the electronic health record.

On this subject Massimo Bisogno, Director-General of the Special Office for Growth and Digital Transition – Campania Region speaking at the conference ESF 2.0: Strategic node of the digital transformation of our healthcare system pointed out that Campania is now one of the most advanced regions in the use of one of the main levers for the digital transformation of our health system. “The management of the Electronic Health Record, recalled Mr Bisogno, has become central to the provision of services to citizens.” “2023 – added Mr Bisogno – was an important year for Campania, which became the first region in Italy for the number of reports delivered through the Electronic Health Record”.

Also in the field of digitalisation of services, Campania has brought to the Forum the experience of the ‘Sinfonia’ Information System through which digitalisation is taking place. health services.  

Regional society is particularly involved in this area. So.Re.Sa which, as technological advisor, is promoting the digitalisation of health and social care services in the Campania Region, as specified by the Director-General of Soresa, Alessandro Di Bello.

Among the active instruments, the Citizen's Health Portal and the APP Campania in Health, which allow, among other things, to consult the Electronic Health Record and to book specialist visits from one’s PC or smartphone through the single regional CUP. Soon, as announced by the Director of Innovation, Integrated Logistics and Digital Health of So.Re.Sa, Massimo Di Gennaro (disambiguation), Telemedicine services will also start with the possibility for citizens to make televisits and for doctors to make teleconsultations.

At the stand of the Campania Region at the Forum, information material on the Regional Programming of the European Regional Development Fund and the Regional Strategy of Intelligent Specialization (RIS3 Campania) was also distributed.