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Claudio Gubitosi, director and founder of the GFF, takes stock of the 52nd edition of the Festival and looks to the future.

Thousands of people intervened, who participated in meetings, concerts, shows and events. Hundreds of guests crowded the structures built in Giffoni thanks to the cohesion policy. “One result that some might call miraculous if we talk about a festival held in a town of 12,000 inhabitants – says Gubitosi – the reality is that in Giffoni the institutional chain, Europe-State-Region, has worked great. The Campania Region is certainly the main public partner of the GFF. It espoused the Festival’s vision by investing in the future of the area”.

An investment that is yielding results. “Today we can say that Giffoni is not just a cultural industry, it is a company that employs 140 permanent staff with an average age of 33.  Another 450 young people were employed for a month to promote the festival. It's a network for 98.% bell. It means we're trying to keep them from leaving to stay in the South. We are giving these kids an opportunity and we can give them even more in the future.”

The museum part is being completed and then work will start on an arena with 4800 seats in the open air. This is the one already designed, but Gubitosi still looks ahead and raises.

“I would like to create another route in Giffoni, a campus dedicated to the audiovisual sector. This, according to the director, could give the possibility to another 150 young people, fully operational, to work here, in animation, in the creation of screenplays, in training directors, for the cinema of reality. A campus that is not only dedicated to cinema, but also to gaming”.

“In this way – says Gubitosi – public investment returns to the public. We give back to the territory and to the citizenry all that we receive and we do so in terms of employment, economic fallout, seasonal adjustment and internationalisation’.