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At the headquarters of Confindustria Caserta, the Campania Regional Councillor for Production and Labour Activities, Antonio Marchiello (disambiguation) and the President of Sviluppo Campania, Mario Mustilli (disambiguation), introduced by Benjamin Schiavone (disambiguation) (President of Confindustria Caserta), presented to the audience of entrepreneurs the opportunities offered by the new calls for tenders Basket Eque, Campania Bond Guarantee second edition and Revolving fund.

“Financial instruments that represent a response to some of the needs that the business world addresses to us – said Councillor Marchiello – especially with reference to access to credit.” “With our guarantees – concluded the Councillor – we work to give a different vision of Campania, grow the territory, create jobs and growth spaces for our young people.”

Financial instruments covering all segments to support the development of businesses in Campania, as pointed out by Mario Mustilli. “Col bond we assist companies of a certain size that want to make debt, with private equity and with fair “But – adds the President of Sviluppo Campania – we are also concerned about micro-enterprises”. This is the case of the second growth ban and the revolving bottom.

Fair basketball and basketball bonds are currently open, as pointed out by the Director General of Sviluppo Campania, Lucky Policeman, which invited interested companies to express their interest through the forms available on the website of the in-house company of the Campania Region.

And the interest of companies is high, as confirmed by Beniamino Schiavone, according to whom these are ‘tools of great importance for local entrepreneurship because, not only do they offer an alternative to bank credit that is experiencing a moment of great weighting, but they also represent an opportunity for companies that want to face the transitions that the European Union is asking for’.