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Giffoni Valle Piana is a town of about 12,000 inhabitants in the province of Salerno where for 50 years has been held what has become the most important film event dedicated to children and young people from all over the world.

Contributing to the transformation of Caludio Gubitosi’s intuition into a global event that attracts Hollywood stars, major production companies and, in recent years, hi-tech giants, has been the cohesion policy implemented by the Campania Region, which has been able to interpret the vision of the Giffoni Film Festival contributing to redesigning the territory, making it suitable for hosting the major event, but also stimulating the local economy and creating the conditions for the emergence of an ancillary sector, linked to tourism and multimedia, capable of working 365 days a year.

Giffoni in the last ten years has received 60 million euros for projects related to territorial redevelopment and the construction of numerous structures. The main measures allowed the construction of the Giffoni Multimedia Valley, the recovery of the Castle and the medieval village of Terravecchia, the recovery of the former ‘Ramiera’ industrial factory and, even before that, the construction of the Citadel of Cinema, the recovery of the monumental complex of San Francesco, the construction of multimedia classrooms, the adaptation of sports facilities, the creation and conservative restoration of landscape paths and rural and urban parks.

The Multimedia Valley is the natural expansion of the Giffoni Film Festival experience that responds to the need to expand, develop and articulate the activity of the GFF which, in the years before Giffoni Experience and today: Opportunity. 

The first lot will be completed in October 2022. Another 500-seat cinema will be ready, the Museo Testimoni del Tempo with an additional 2,500 m2 of exhibition space and the 6,000-seat Arena for major events, which will become one of the main hubs in southern Italy for musical, theatrical and other events.

Giffoni Multimedia Valley also includes the Regional Media Library, libraries, video libraries, new offices, co and net working spaces, parking areas and infrastructures for support services and equipped greenery.

The Multimedia Valley is a centre of cultural attraction intended to enlarge the physical and ideal spaces of the Citadel of Cinema, which, from this perspective, is identified as the cornerstone of the entire project.

In fact, the settlement will complete the existing Citadel of Cinema on an area of 200,000 square metres. This is the future of an area, the Picentini Mountains, which, thanks to the festival, has attracted international attention and now has an integrated system of structures that combine a space entirely dedicated to cinema, memory and the development of techniques and technologies for multimedia innovation.

In this way, thanks to cohesion policy, Giffoni has become a place where ideas generate ideas. Giffoni has a strong link with Europe. Not only for its natural international and inclusive vocation, but also for being part of the Coalition for Digital Skills and Professions, promoted by the European Commission, which has stimulated and will stimulate further actions in line with the policy objectives set by the Commission for the period 2127 in terms of sustainable innovation and job creation linked to the development of ICT.