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M.I.T. (MEET ITALIAN BRANDS) is the event dedicated to Fashion and the Design and the made in Italy From 22 to 24 January, it allowed 80 companies from Campania (clothing, accessories, footwear and leather goods) to meet 130 operators and buyers from 35 countries who, over the course of the three days, held B2B meetings with the companies present.

The event, organised by the Regional Table of Fashion and Design – MODEC, supported by the Campania Region, saw the Mostra d’Oltremare as an implementing entity, Confindustria Campania and CIS-Interporto Nola as promoters, and made use of the collaboration of the University of Campania Luigi Vanvitelli and the Agency for the promotion abroad and internationalisation of Italian companies (ICE).

Great institutional presence on the inaugural day, starting with the President of the Campania Region, Vincenzo De Luca and the Regional Councillor for Production Activities, Antonio Marchiello (disambiguation), This is a testament to the strategic role that the fashion supply chain plays in Italy in general and in Campania in particular.

A fashion sector that sees Campania second only to Lombardy for number of companies in the sector. But fashion in Campania means a very varied and rich sector. Textiles, tanning, clothing, goldsmith's art, coral. Culture and history of elegance.

The Campania Region with the funds of the Cohesion policy in the 2014-2020 programming period, it has invested in three sectors to support companies in the fashion sector: credit support, training and internationalisation and will continue to do so in 2021-2027.

As regards credit support, it will continue with instruments that allow companies to obtain subsidised, non-repayable investments or public guarantees for access to credit (this is the case of best practice Basketball Bond of Campania Development). As regards training, the Campania Region has supported the creation of ITS (Higher Technical Institutes), two of which are dedicated to the qualification of young Campanians as footwear and clothing operators. In this way, a twofold objective is achieved: to combat early school leaving and to create professional figures.  As far as internationalisation is concerned, support will be given to initiatives that will enable companies in Campania to expand their business abroad.

Fashion also benefits from ‘reinforced’ attention from the Campania Region, as it is part of one of the ten Ecosystems of Campania’s Smart Specialisation Strategy. Sergio Negro (disambiguation), Managing Authority of PR Campania FESR 2021-2027, benefits from a series of animation activities, of which M.I.T. is a part, and additional support precisely because of the competitive advantage it should bring to the territory.

A system that benefits from a series of cross-cutting initiatives, as he explains Raffaella Farina, Directorate-General for Economic Development and Production Activities of the Campania Region capable of promoting strategic investments and energy efficiency, for example.

So many efforts for a system that, according to Carlo Palmieri, Vice-President of the Italian Fashion System, needs more aggregation.

And in fact, just what he emphasizes Daniela Michelino, Staff manager of the Regional Directorate for Production Activities of the Campania Region, as a success of the event, it is precisely the great agreement that has been reached in organising this type of initiative.

A path that is in line with the strategies identified by the Campania Region and the Regional Table of Fashion and Design has produced a unique brand as explained by the professor Patrizia Ranzo University of Campania Luigi Vanvitelli.

A labor-hungry sector ready to welcome even those who have escaped from the labor market, provided that it is properly trained, as he explains to us Michele Raccuglia Head of ANPAL South Ionian Macroarea Services.

A winning formula is that of the M.I.T. which, thanks to the “365 SMART” internet platform created by ITA-ICE and promoted at the network of 78 ICE foreign offices with a dedicated website on which digital showcases dedicated to each individual participating company have been created, has made it possible to make the B2B meeting at the fair particularly useful, as underlined by Maria Caputo, CEO Mostra d’Oltremare.

A comment that is confirmed in the words of the companies that, already on the first day of M.I.T. have confirmed the goodness of the meetings held.

In addition, as part of MIT-Meet Italian Brands, a conference was held at the Mondragone Foundation entitled: Ethics and Aesthetics in Fashion: I'm looking for another body. A moment of reflection dedicated to the phenomenon of body shaming during which we talked about the representation of the body and the role that fashion, in its broadest sense, plays in representing and building an imaginary in which men and women try to interpret their individuality. The applicant took part in the day of meetings and debates. Valeria Marini, Maria D’Elia, Chair of the Fashion Museum – Mondragone Foundation, Pina Pirozzi, Fashion Designer, Nino Daniele – Philosopher, Giuseppe Website – Plastic surgeon, Maria Rita Parsi – Psychotherapist, Almerina Bove – Head of Cabinet of the Campania Region, Armida Filippelli, Regional Councillor for Vocational Training and Antonio Marchiello (disambiguation), Councillor for Production and Labour Activities of the Campania Region.