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By Decision No 712 of 20 December 2022 (BURC No 1 of 2 January 2023), the Plan for the use of the areas of state-owned maritime property to regulate and enhance, for tourist-recreational purposes, the more than 500 kilometers of regional coast. The coastal strip of Campania represents a unified ecological, territorial and landscape system of inestimable value for the vitality and prosperity of the regional economy and for the improvement of the quality of life of the citizens of Campania.

Over 500 km long, consisting of 60 municipalities with almost three million residents, the coast of Campania is an asset on which the Region aims to attract tourism that is increasingly attentive to the issues of sustainability and the quality of the offer and at the same time to meet the needs of the settled communities.

The Campania Region has developed an articulated strategy for the protection, enhancement and revitalisation of coastal territories with the aim of defining integrated sustainable and resilient development actions that can leverage the natural, landscape, historical, cultural and entrepreneurial resources of the various territories.

The Plan is part of the broader Integrated Maritime Policy of the European Union, which introduces a common framework for Maritime Space Planning with the aim of pursuing integrated management and ensuring the sustainable growth of coastal and marine ecosystems, which are subject to severe settlement pressure, climate change, natural disasters and erosion.

The most important aspects of the rules introduced are:

·the provision of free and free use areas to the extent of not less than 30% the length of the beaches and 30% other areas of state-owned land that can be used for bathing

·the definition of the contents of the Implementation Plan for the Use of Maritime Property Areas to be developed by coastal municipalities.

The areas of free and free use pass from 20% to 30% the length of the beaches and other public areas that can be used for bathing. Municipalities will have to ensure easy access to areas of free use, guaranteeing basic services to users, such as cleaning, safety (rescue) and toilets.

The PUAD classifies coastal municipalities in relation to tourism development, the environmental characteristics of the coast and water bathing and is the reference framework for the preparation, by coastal municipalities, of the Implementation Plans for Utilization (PAD) and for the exercise of management functions on the non-port maritime state property.

By Decision No 712 of 20 December 2022, the Regional Executive adopted the PUAD.

According to Article 1(38) of Regional Law 16/2014, ‘within 60 days of the adoption of the PUAD, the municipalities and associations and operators concerned may submit observations to be sent to the competent regional body’.

PEC by 6 March –

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