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The Campania Region, through the Cohesion Policies and the European financial resources of the ROP Campania ERDF 2014-2020, as part of the Smart Specialisation Strategy (RIS3 Campania), has embarked on a path of specialisation in the oncology sector, creating the Life Sciences Ecosystem in Campania consisting of universities, research centres and institutes, accelerators and infrastructures, technological districts, IRCCS and hospitals, consortia and aggregations, and private investments.

With an investment of 180 million euros, a Regional Plan Against Cancer was launched, a unique strategy in Italy that allowed a chain intervention on three lines of approach that led to the financing of 44 research projects implemented by 166 beneficiaries:

Research infrastructures (€60 million): 4 projects aimed at supporting networks and clusters that bring together and integrate, at regional level and from a supra-regional perspective, the main research infrastructures of Campania engaged in the fight against oncological diseases.

Cancer Technology Platforms (€99 million): 13 projects aimed at acquiring and testing new knowledge for the development of new products, production processes and services with high added value.

Technology transfer ‘From the land of Fire to the land of Good’ (€20 million): 27 projects aimed at exploiting the results of research activities already carried out or of an intellectual property available, through technological transfer paths focused on experimental development activities and aimed at the implementation of processes of first industrialization of technological solutions.

Each project involved, in partnership, private companies (72 companies between SMEs and Large Enterprises) and the main public research bodies. A network that makes it possible to exploit synergies, increase competitive capacities and promote innovation.

The number of patents (19), together with the number of start-ups and spin-offs activated (7) is undoubtedly the main indicator of the research results achieved and their potential use on the market, while the number of scientific publications (485) and the number of conferences (50) represent an indicator of the quality of the research carried out.

The exploitation of the results in terms of employment translates into the total number of human resources involved (1739), of which ex-novo contracts carried out (466), of which women (939, of which young people under 35 (369) based on gender and age.

At the basis of such an important action promoted by the regional administration, it emerges that all the parties involved have a very extensive network of collaborations with prestigious international research institutions.

All this is in line with the implementation of an innovation ecosystem that sees the various components (infrastructures, technological platforms, private and public bodies, industry, universities) working for the common purpose of improving early diagnosis, care and attention for the patient affected by various cancer diseases.

The results achieved and their unique ability to attract the interest of the scientific community of reference at international level, of renowned companies and research centres in the biomedical field ensure a fundamental contribution to the creation of a regional network of excellence in Campania, which the Campania Region intends to support with additional resources (approximately EUR 50 million) from the 2021/2027 programming period.

Research infrastructures (4 projects)
The research projects selected by the notice ‘Projects for the development/enhancement of regional strategic research infrastructures to combat cancer’ are: 4, the total cost of the projects is approximately EUR 60 million (60 044 831.00), of which approximately EUR 43 million (43 119 350.80) is covered by ROP Campania ERDF 2014-2020 resources.
CIRO Diagnostic and Molecular Imaging
CNR – National Research Council, Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II, IIT Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia, CEINGE Biotecnologie Avanzate Scarl, Istituto Tumori di Napoli – Fondazione Pascale, Dompé Farmaceutica SpA Biocheckup Srl.
The CIRO Infrastructure was set up with the aim of putting together and offering a service to the scientific and industrial community of the region (and beyond) based on the network of laboratories of excellence in Campania operating in the field of cellular and medical imaging (morphological studies), which improve the diagnosis and follow-up of the various oncological diseases. The infrastructure consists of: 11 services that have already provided technological support to regional platforms. There are also numerous national and international research projects that make use of the technologies and skills provided by IR CIRO. Of great importance is the synergistic and strategic collaboration with the local node of the European IR Euro BioImaging (EUBI).
GENOMA & Health: Genomics and translational informatics
University of Salerno (UNISA), GVM Care & Research SpA, C.G. RUESCH SpA, Genomix4 Life Srl (G4L),
Biogem Scarl, University of Salerno (UNISA), University of Sannio (UNISANNIO).
The infrastructure coordinated research funded by the Campania Region to monitor the spread and genomic variability of SARS-CoV-2: the results obtained allowed the development of a fast and low-cost method for the detection of viral RNA in biological samples, the mapping of viral variants and the nasal microbiota in Covid subjects thanks to bioinformatics pipelines developed in house. In addition, researchers from the Departments of the University of Salerno related to the infrastructure have published several papers in international scientific journals on the identification and validation of new pharmacological targets in breast, ovarian, lung and melanoma cancers resistant to current therapies, also in collaboration with prestigious national and international research centres. In 2022, the Infrastructure organised a Scientific Conference on Advanced Genomics with the participation of internationally renowned researchers, including the Director of the Human Technopole in Milan.
AWARD Personalized and Precision Medicine
INT Pascale Foundation, Ehealthnet Scarl, Department of Pharmacy of the Federico II University of Naples (UNINA-DF), Department of Pharmacy of the University of Salerno (UNISA-DF), Institute of High Performance Computing and Networks of the National Research Council (CNR-ICAR), Institute of Genetics and Biophysics of the National Research Council (CNR-IGB), Institute of Biosciences and Bioresources of the National Research Council (CNR-IBBR), Istituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale del Mezzogiorno (IZSM), Fondazione SDN (Socio Ehealthnet), Pineta Grande Spa.
The PREMIO infrastructure has implemented: 1 Regional Network of Biobanks consisting of 4 Level I Biobanks, 5 Level II Biobanks (Macro-territorial) and 5 Level III collection centres strategically distributed throughout the region; 1 IT Platform divided into 3 poles; 5 Highly Specialized Centers. A series of collaborations related to translational scientific research have been launched. The infrastructure has enabled Campania to be strongly integrated into the network of European Research Infrastructures. The Centre of High Specialisation in Lipidomics and Metabolomics is currently a partner of the Ceric-Eric European Infrastructure backbone and has become the European Reference Centre for the implementation of metabolomic and lipidomic screening. The High Specialisation Centres are fully structured, fully operational and networked to provide the services needed to implement the complete translational research chain in support of Personalised and Precision Medicine. The IT Platform, on the other hand, guarantees the connection between the biobanks of the Regional Network and their connection to the National Network and the European Network.
Regional Information Communication Technology Center (CeRICT), R BIo Transfer (RBT), Teoresi Group (TS).
The CNOS infrastructure has generated a series of next-generation technological laboratories, equipped with unique advanced instrumentation, designed to support excellent research in precision medicine, with particular reference to tumour diseases, along two main lines of action: precision diagnostics and therapy. CNOS has provided and is providing technological support in the development of new platforms for precision diagnostics and therapy. The results of the excellent research for the fight against cancer carried out at the IR have been numerous and relevant, as evidenced by more than 40 scientific publications (many of which have been invited) in prestigious international journals in three years, numerous participations in national and international conferences and well-known scientific publications. 5 patent applications with applications in the medical sector.

Oncology Technology Platforms (13 projects)
The research projects selected by the ‘Technology Platform for the fight against cancer’ call are 13, the total cost of the projects is approximately 99 million euro (99.207.260,7), of which approximately 71 million euro (70.653.419,18) is covered by ROP Campania ERDF 2014-2020 resources.
OCIMA SpA, CMO Srl, Neatec SpA, University of Sannio (Department of Engineering), University of Naples Federico II (Interdepartmental Research Centre in Robotic Surgery I.C.A.R.O.S.).
They have been detected Two urinary biomarkers sensitive and specific in the detection prostate cancer. They have been bio-functionalized and tested Detection systems with technology LAB ON TIP: This innovative system could lead to a rapid diagnosis and estimate the prognosis of prostate cancer patients in a non-invasive setting. It was designed, built, tested and prototyped a A functioning robotic arm capable of handling a biopsy needle and directing a transrectal probe. A draft has been drawn up. software of image-fusion which allows you to navigate in magnetic resonance imaging, performed previously by the patient, at the same time as the ultrasound examination in the course of a prostate biopsy. Finally, two completely innovative elements have been created: a fiber optic sensorized needle that through a beam of light allows to acquire elastometric data on prostate tissue (greater hardness = more aggressive tumor), these detections can be contemporaneous to the biopsy, a machine learning system of predictive medicine. The system has not yet been patented either as a whole or in its parts.
INSTITUTE NATIONAL TUMORI FOUNDATION G. PASCALE, FONDAZIONE TELETHON, HOME MEDICINE ITALIA Srl, MATER Scalr, CLINICAL RESEARCH TECHNOLOGY Srl, CNR – ICAR, Cosvitec Scarl, PINETA GRANDE SpA, UNISA – Department of Pharmacy IGEA Spa, UNINA – Department of Pharmacy, UNINA – Interdepartmental Research Centre on Biomaterials UNINA – Department of Chemical Sciences, Takis Srl, CNR – IBB, HOSMOTIC Srl with Socio Unico Dedalus SpA, Istituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale del Mezzogiorno-Dipartimento di Sanità Animale Unlimited Technology Srl, Fondazione Ebris, eHealthNet Scarl, CSP SpA, KELYON Srl.
The Campania Oncoterapie project has developed in three main directions: clinical trials of vaccines for cancer therapy: Two different vaccines have been developed;  A platform for the development of preventive/therapeutic vaccines for various cancers has been set up. The creation of innovative technologies and strategies for precision oncology: innovative technologies and strategies for precision oncology have been created, such as the development of methods for the genomic, metabolomic and proteomic characterisation of neoplasms; the creation of a biobank of ‘organoids’ from cancer cells obtained from cancer patients, which will be used to personalise treatments; identification of new molecular targets and proceeded to the design, synthesis and evaluation of the biological effects of new molecules and combinations of drugs with anti-tumor activity; development of nanocarriers to deliver drugs specifically to cancer cells, with the aim of reducing toxicity and increasing the effectiveness of treatments; Artificial intelligence algorithms have been produced to process the complex information deriving from molecular genetic profiling of neoplasms and identify personalized therapeutic strategies aimed at overcoming drug resistance. The development and validation of innovative diagnostic approaches for the early detection of neoplasms: an early detection kit for endometrial cancer has been developed based on the detection of specific metabolome changes in the blood, identified by artificial intelligence techniques; specific diagnostic peptides have been synthesized, which will be used for the in vivo molecular characterization of subjects suffering from neoplastic diseases; an electrochemical biosensor capable of recognizing specific tumor markers has been generated, which will be used for the characterization of neoplasms starting from biological fluids.
‘Luigi Vanvitelli’ University of Campania, BIOGEM Scarl, Regional Centre of Competence in Industrial Biotechnology BioTekNet ScpA.
The ICURE Platform has produced: new diagnostic methods in precision medicine for genomic and epigenomic assessment of ‘tumor identity card’” at individual level; new models of culture and in vitro development of three-dimensional structures, defined as tumor organoids or spheroids, which have been isolated from the tumor of about 50 patients that can be used to identify the most suitable and potentially most effective anticancer drugs for each patient; Two Phase 2 clinical trials, referred to as CAVE and VELO, in which 77 patients and 62 patients, respectively, with metastatic colorectal cancer resistant to treatment with conventional medicines were treated, and in which the anti-cancer effectiveness of skies was assessed’; Preclinical development of some potential new anticancer drugs: Some of these are at an advanced stage of both national and international patent assessment.
Regional Information Communication Technology Center (CeRICT), BIOPOX (BP), Tecno Bios (TB), Teoresi Group (TS).
The project activities contributed to: to the  design and validation of ‘smart’ systems for the controlled release of chemotherapeutic drugs and monoclonal antibodies for breast cancer and liver cancer that can: concentrate and protect the active substance while preserving its effectiveness; limit the biological effect on cancer cells only; significantly reduce side effects due to targeting-induced specific targeting of target cells. Integration of such smart systems on fiber optic devices It is the subject of a patent.

BioCam Scarl, Carebios “Campus Regi Biologia” SpA, Genomix4life Srl, Merigen Diagnostic & c. Sas, Neatec SpA, Materias Srl, Synlab SDN SpA, Ehealthnet Scarl, Softlab Tech SpA, Sync Lab Srl, Technova Consorzio Politecnico Per L’innovazione Scarl, Institute for Endocrinology and Experimental Oncology (IEOS) of the National Research Council (CNR), Institute for Computing and High Performance Networks (ICAR) of the National Research Council (CNR), University of Naples Federico II, University of Salerno, Telematic University of San Raffaele Roma,
The project has achieved the following results: collection of solid and liquid tumor biopsies of glioblastomas, hypothalamic-pituitary tumors and other neuroendocrine tumors; creation of a software platform for the management of biobanks of the samples obtained; identification of new molecular targets of pharmacological interest; identification of diagnostic, prognostic and therapeutic markers for rare tumours of interest; identification and development of a lead compound consisting of a sequence of siRNAs that, when incorporated into self-assembling hybrid nanoparticles, overcomes biological barriers, inhibits the expression of the Praja2 gene in the tumour and reduces tumour growth in animal models. Development of a prototype of a nanoparticle system that can incorporate, transport and release already known heterocyclic pharmacological compounds, or with new RNA structures, in the central nervous system where glioblastoma cancer is present.

Nabacom Srl, UNISA Department of Computer Science, UNISA Department of Medicine, Bollino SpA.
SICED is an AI-based data collection, post processing and decision support system. The platform allows an enabled user to enter a clinical study related to the predetermined oncological pathology, to which the system itself will respond with a probability of detection of the oncological diagnosis. The purpose of these intelligent systems is to support the human operator by reducing the amount of data to be analyzed with immediacy and ease of access, transferability and sharing, processing and possible storage of data. Because the greatest risk factor is genetic predisposition, the SICED project used a bio-informatics approach to identify genetic variations that characterized patients with pancreatic cancer. The obtained data were used for the creation of algorithms and Soft-Computing techniques to extract knowledge from the data (Data-Mining).
the Telethon Foundation, Istituto Nazionale Tumori Fondazione ‘G. Pascale’, Dompé Farmaceutici SpA, Takis Srl, Nouscom Srl.
The main results produced by the project are: Determination of assays for the characterization of cellular models of rare tumors by genomic, epigenomic and transcriptomic approaches; Development and characterization of animal models for the study of rare tumors; Development of vaccine and monoclonal antibody production methods for the treatment of rare cancers.

Bollino IT SpA, Università degli Studi della Campania “Luigi Vanvitelli”, CINI (Consorzio Interuniversitario Nazionale per l’Informatica).
The project activities contributed to: the realization of a Integrated Technology Platform Enhancing and enhancing the predictive capacity of cancer screening (Pre-clinical: early diagnosis) Seven Types of Carcinoma. To the development of a computerized diagnostic technique that segments suspicious tissue regions to be brought to the attention of the doctor; this allows to identify a probabilistic value associated with the benignity/malignancy of the tissue region under analysis.

Microgem Srl, NG med Srl, Optosensing Srl, School of Medicine and Surgery, University of Naples Federico II
Research Unit of the CNR Genomics of Diabetes of the IEOS – National Research Council.
The activities of the project allowed to study the mechanisms through which common metabolic diseases, such as obesity and diabetes, can facilitate the progression of neoplasms such as breast and colon cancer. The main results obtained have determined the identification of factors useful for the early diagnosis of tumour progression in comorbid situations (Obesity and Diabetes) that of new therapeutic targets. In addition, the activities of the project have made it possible to develop an innovative sensor-based plasmonic resonance system for the early detection of these molecules in both blood and adipose tissue. Another goal achieved was the production of a platform containing epigenomic data in humans able to constitute an important resource that can be used in both basic research and clinical studies, applied research and healthcare in the specific area of application (identification of disease markers).
Campania Bioscience Scarl Technological District, Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II, CNR (Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche), Ceinge – Biotecnologie Avanzate Scarl, Biogem Scarl, BIOVIIIX Srl (transferee of the business branch of BIOKER SRL), Clinical Research Technology Srl (Crt), Dompé Farmaceutici SpA, Engineering Ingegneria Informatica SpA, Istituto Neurologico Mediterraneo Neuromed Srl, Nouscom Srl, Ocima Srl, Okolab Srl, Prigen Srl, Reithera Srl
The project activities contributed to: to the development of a personalized therapeutic vaccine It is currently undergoing clinical trials. The results obtained so far show that the vaccine promotes tumor rejection; to the production of monoclonal antibodies for use in cancer therapy; the characterization of the neoplasms under study both from a molecular and cellular point of view; the development of drug validation platforms already tested in the animal model to obtain authorisations for testing in humans.
eHealthNet Scarl, Engineering Spa, Databooz ITALIA Srl, Biocheck Up Srl, Gesan Srl, CNR-IBB, CNR-ICAR, Istituto Nazionale Tumori Fondazione Pascale, University of Naples Federico II
The main achievements are as follows: luse of traditional morpho/tissue phenotyping methods and on digitised preparations, and state-of-the-art radiomic techniques specifically designed, enabled the integrated innovative assessment of genomic-histomorphological-phenotypic heterogeneity; the generation of small molecules/antibodies aimed at new molecular targets identified by the project; S has been achieveddevelopment of higher-level diagnostic tools, both in the radiomic and pathomic senses; the creation of a database (radiological, imaging, radiomic, traditional histopathological, digital histopathological-morphophenotypic, response to surgery, radio-chemotherapy, and follow-up).
ADVISE Scarl, Altergon Srl, National Research Council, Innovery Spa, Italbiotec, Stazione Zoologica A. Dohrn, Servimed Srl
ADViSE is a project of identification of new cancer drugs and vaccines, designed on the model of similar platforms (drug discovery). Since natural products make up two-thirds of the drugs in use and about 90 percent% of chemotherapeutic agents, the technical-scientific foundation of the project is the development of new therapeutic principles from molecules derived from marine organisms, in particular from the Gulf of Naples and the Campania coasts. This work led to the discovery of the SULFAVANT A, a new concept molecule, patented as a vaccine adjuvant (EP30077251B1) and developed in ADViSE for properties in prophylactic and therapeutic cancer vaccines. In addition to demonstrating the effectiveness of SULFAVANT A in vaccines against lung cancer, melanoma, and pancreatic adenocarcinoma, the preclinical development phase of the molecule concerned the preparation and formulation of the compound, its stability, methods and routes of administration and finally the general and organo-specific toxicity. These set of pathways are also necessary to generate the documentation needed to apply to regulatory and control bodies for authorisation to continue human clinical trials. Experimentation ADViSE 's demonstrated that SULFAVANT A stimulates the immune response by expanding and activating T cells specific to the treated tumour. When used in combination with immune checkpoint inhibitors (anti-CTLA4 and anti PD1), SULFAVANT A enhances the mechanism of these frontier drugs, reducing the blocking effect on T-cell activation found in tumours. The properties of SULFAVANT A have also been identified in other compounds, natural and synthetic, which are present in ADViSEChemotheque, the library of natural products built during the project. A library of chemical compounds is a set of molecules with their analytical data. The library can also be used for pharmaceutical research in other areas and has already been applied to the discovery of antivirals for COVID and drugs for neurodegenerative diseases.
IRCSS National Cancer Institute of Naples – Pascale Foundation, National Research Council – IEOS (First IBP), FORA SpA, TEKNOS Srl, R BIO TRANSFER Srl, ALDA Srl
Within the PLATT platform, the following main results have been achieved: ability to identify the presence of cancer cells from the patient's blood in a non-invasive way and applicable to different types of cancer. It is a non-destructive method of investigation, therefore, it allows the subsequent characterization of the identified cells, with considerable and important implications for the patient's prognosis.
Technology transfer ‘From the land of Fire to the land of the Good
The technology transfer projects selected by the notice “Technology transfer projects for innovative companies to combat oncological diseases (Campania Terra del Buono)” are 27, the total cost of the projects is approximately 25 million euro (25,126,255.47), of which about 17 million euro (17,149,813.67) is covered by ROP Campania ERDF 2014-2020 resources.
AITOImplementation of an integrated system for the management of cancer patients through remote assistance devices (“Telecare”) and telemedicine.
ALOE VERAdevelopment of cosmeceutical and nutraceutical products capable of alleviating skin and gastrointestinal disorders of the cancer patient undergoing chemotherapy treatment.
BIOAGRODevelopment of a production system for obtaining new products based on waste from agri-food production in combination with beneficial micro-organisms or their extracts, capable at the same time of protecting the plant from the presence of both pathogens and anthropogenic pollutants.
BIOCHIPRealization of functionalized Biochip with NAP probes with ad hoc sequence for prognostic and diagnostic markers of chronic lymphocytic leukemia, accompanied by ICT technologies for the transduction of the recognition signal managed by information flows through the development of ad hoc programs.
BioMolTEACCDevelopment of a biomolecular chip for the identification of subjects at high risk of neoplastic progression, to develop precision medicine protocols and identify new molecules for therapeutic and diagnostic use to combat drug resistance.
CARDITELLO 4.0Development of an integrated platform able to support the monitoring processes of pollutants and their characterization in the anthropic and environmental context of reference.
WHATCreation of a business intelligence platform structured to collect health, environmental, socio-economic Big Data at regional, national and international level.
D.A.TE.KCharacterization of a structured reporting tool based on DICOM that allows you to obtain a report that has the synthetic and scientific characteristics to be then read and interpreted in a unique and consistent way.
DATA LIFECreation of a Big Data Analytics platform to support cancer prevention with advanced data collection/ingestion, data storage, data processing and data analysis from heterogeneous sources, in order to automatically suggest follow-up paths.
DERMASPETTROSCOPIOIndustrialization of a system of analysis of skin lesions able to provide help in the prevention of skin pathologies and in particular in the treatment of melanoma.
ECONUTRAPREVENTIONInnovative functional products capable of contributing, together with other lifestyle-related interventions, to the protection from chronic and degenerative diseases including cancers in populations exposed to environmental micropollutants.
EXPOSOMARealization of territorial maps of contaminated areas from satellite images (ALI).
GOOD WATERPrototypical sensing platform for measures of environmental contamination by pollutants, as well as measures of correlation of their presence in agricultural products and body fluids in humans.
HEALTHY-PACKDevelopment and implementation of innovative packaging for the food sector that is able to improve the shelf-life of medium-high perishable foods and improve the properties of food through the release of substances, admitted by the reference legislation on food safety, which carry out an antioxidant and chemo-preventive action.
IABUPORealization of a first industrialization of the production of a powder formulation containing bioactive molecules obtained from Mozzarella di Bufala Campana cheesemaking serum, to be used as a functional food supplement in the diet of patients suffering from oncological diseases.
MITRealization of a temnographic system for the detection of breast cancers.
MULTIPATHDiagnostic nanobiosensor for the detection of Glyphosate, Thiram, Salmonella, and hepatitis A in water for primary production and complex matrices such as milk.
Creation of innovative health products such as functional purees, able to compensate not only for the state of debilitation, but to prevent the onset or assist classic pharmacological therapies for the treatment of different forms of cancer.
OCPDevelopment of a multi-user environment for practitioners, healthcare professionals, healthcare facilities, patients and their families in the treatment of cancer patients with colorectal cancers.
ONCAREDevelopment and industrialisation of a digital software solution, using innovative tools and wearable devices, for the care and clinical governance of patients diagnosed with colorectal cancer.
ONCOLOGY SMART ASSISTANTCreation of an ICT platform for the care of cancer patients, subject to chemotherapy, and home monitoring, through the use of innovative medical devices.
PRATT11253Development and industrialization of molecular analysis kits for detection and dosing of tumor-stroma interaction mediators in colon carcinomas.
RECOVERUse of a supercritical CO2 plant capable of separating polyphenols from vegetation and pomace waters, without generating polluting substances.
THERAPYUse of phage preparations for the control of pathologies.
TODRealization of an integrated hardware and software system capable of supporting in the management of home cancer therapies the Campania Hospital Presidia and the main structures that provide oncological health care, through a regional platform and an automatic dispenser.