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The European Commission carried out an inspection in Campania to verify the state of play of the activities in relation to infringement procedure 2007/2195 following the waste emergency of the early 2000s. The extraordinary program for waste management prepared by the Campania Region, since 2015, is allowing the reduction of the penalty and aims at zeroing it. The Programme is divided into three sectors: Transport outside the region; Caivano plant; Giugliano plant in Campania. It was here that the attention of Commission officials was focused. After visiting the eco-bales storage sites created during the 2000-2010 waste crisis at Villa Literno and Giugliano in Campania (Masseria del Re), EU officials went to the treatment plant built by the Campania Region, also in Giugliano in the area where Enel’s gas plant had previously been located. The plant processes hundreds of tonnes of eco-bales per day, recovering materials useful for recycling, producing secondary solid fuel from waste. In addition to the Vice-President of the Campania Region with responsibility for the environment, Fulvio Bonavitacola, and the Head of Cabinet of the Campania Regional Executive, Almerina Bove, took part in the European Commission’s on-the-spot visit.