The works financed by the Campania Region through the Cohesion Policy and carried out by Anas (Italian FS Group) on State Road 268 of Vesuvius continue.
The Corbara Bretella can also be used for traffic coming from Naples and the A3 motorway, with the connection between the Angri junction and the roads to the municipalities of Angri, Sant’Antonio Abate and Scafati.. The transitability on the ‘M2’ and ‘M3’ shoulder straps, on the other hand, remains within the competence of the competent bodies..
The new Madonna dell’Arco junction in Sant’Anastasia is open to traffic.
The ‘bretella di Corbara’ can be used, in the province of Salerno – also in the second direction of travel, for traffic coming from Naples and the ‘Napoli-Salerno’ A3 motorway – thus ensuring the connection between the Angri junction (SS268) of the ‘Vesuvius’ state road 268 and, through the roundabout in via Paludicelle, towards the roads of the municipalities of Angri, Sant’Antonio Abate and Scafati.
A greater fluidity of local traffic will then be guaranteed by the complete usability of the ‘M2’ (currently forbidden to transit) and ‘M3’ (currently accessible in a single direction), connecting the municipal areas of Angri and Scafati, under the responsibility of the respective Competent Bodies.
Also along State Road 268 ‘del Vesuvio’, in the Neapolitan section, the new ‘Madonna dell’Arco’ junction was put into operation in the municipality of Sant’Anastasia, a project carried out by Anas and financed by the Campania Region for a total investment of EUR 2.5 million.
The opening completes the full usability of the junction (already in operation for traffic coming from and directed to Angri) through the two ramps serving the road to and from Naples.
The benefits are important for the direct connections between the Neapolitan area and the Sanctuary of the Madonna dell’Arco, a destination for many religious pilgrimages.
For the realization of the junction, the two existing ramps exiting and entering the SS268 and an overpass at km 2,200 have been adapted; a two-way traffic link was also built, continuing on the SS268, linking it with the Via Romani municipal road network of the Municipality of Sant’Anastasia.
The intersection between the belt and the Via Romani municipal road was built by means of a roundabout, illuminated by a light tower, which Anas handed over to the municipal administration for the subsequent management of the road network.
In addition, new safety barriers were installed along the route, including the support works and the overpass and new pavement and signage works were carried out, as well as the completion of the hydraulic works.
The works are part of the numerous works to upgrade the SS268 ‘del Vesuvio’ by Anas among those completed (doubling section and scheduled maintenance work), in progress and soon to be completed (extraordinary maintenance of the link between the Somma Sud junction and the Somma Vesuviana municipal road network, as well as lighting systems for the junctions on the already doubled road section) and planned (completion of the doubling).