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The Campania Regional Government has approved a three-year project entitled ‘Scholarships for attendance at international regional ICT and Digital Academies’, which, with a budget of EUR 8.4 million, aims to provide young people with the skills necessary to become developers of innovative applications, professionals able to design, implement and market innovative services on technological platforms and to create innovative companies.
The intervention is aimed at universities in Campania, also in partnership with companies, with the aim of proposing highly qualified training courses capable of providing and strengthening digital skills and abilities, to all recipients for easier access or re-employment in the labour market.
There are about ten Academies founded around the universities of Campania – a number that is expected to grow by the end of 2022 – and every year they train more than a thousand young talents, ready to settle in the productive economic system or to undertake innovative entrepreneurial paths.

‘One of the areas in which Campania invests the most is that of new skills’ – said President De Luca – ‘through an investment of over EUR 50 million in the 2014-2020 programming period, we have strengthened the offer of the university system and promoted digital skills. With this intervention, we continue to focus on advanced training courses capable of raising the innovative potential of the territory and activating quality employment for our young people”.
“The system of academies that we have set up in Campania at the Technological Pole of San Giovanni a Teduccio is considered a good practice at international level. Every year, thanks to our young digital talents, we attract top-level technological players who invest in research and development, establishing innovation hubs on our territory dedicated to digital transformation, mobility, precision medicine, up to fintech", commented Valeria Fascione, Councillor for Research, Innovation and Startup.

The Public Notice was approved by Decree No 206 of 20 July 2022.Scholarships by frequency of regional Academies of international level in the ICT and Digital field“, published on Official Bulletin of the Campania Region No 64 of 20 July 2022.

The purpose of the Notice is to support initiatives in the field of technological innovation and training, i.e. actions to be carried out by universities, which include training courses using innovative methodologies capable of providing digital skills that facilitate access to the labour market.

The budget is €8.4 million from the Campania POC.

The deadline for submitting projects is the 29 August 2022 – 2 p.m..

The aim is to finance the launch of training courses to equip young people with the necessary skills to become developers of innovative applications, professionals able to design, implement and market innovative services on technology platforms and to create innovative businesses. To this end, the Campania Region will finance the universities that will carry out these training courses through the disbursement of sums linked to the actual participation in the training activities, which will be paid as scholarships.

The training courses must be divided into 3 editions, each of which must last at least six months. In addition, they must be addressed to at least 200 students per edition.

Beneficiaries.  State and non-State universities recognized by the MIUR with administrative and operational headquarters in the Campania region, in single form or in partnership with leading companies in the ICT sector without headquarters limitations. Each university may submit, on pain of inadmissibility, a single application.

Addressees. The training courses must be aimed at: Italian citizens, EU and non-EU citizens, residents and non-residents in Campania, employed, unemployed and/or unemployed, holding at least an upper secondary education diploma.

Public notice "Scholarships for attendance of regional Academies of international level in the ICT and Digital field"

Annex A – Request to participate

Annex B – Project Sheet